Monday, December 2, 2019

Selling Land That You Have Inherited

When you lose a loved one, it can be very difficult and stressful. Even more stressful is taking care of the financial assets and distributing them among family members.

how to sell inherited land

Very often, a loved one will leave a piece of land and it can be very difficult figuring out what to do next. Unlike a house, a piece of land doesn't offer the same kind of use. A piece of land can't really be rented out, lived in or even sold easily on the local market.

There are unique challenges when it come to marketing land because of the limited financing options that are available and because there is a more narrow market especially if the land is in a remote area.

Because the land is inherited, many people don't really have an immediate use and sometimes, don't even know what they will use it for in the future so they would rather sell it.

How To Sell Inherited Land

People very often don't see any value in land that they have inherited. If the land was given to more than one family member (which is often the case), they all have to agree that they want to sell it and for how much.

It would be wise to discuss selling the inherited land with other family members that hold an interest in it. Everyone who owns the property must sign all the documentation.

This can be a challenge to have everyone agree to the sale, especially if the family members have drifted apart.


Before offering a clear title, you will have to hire a lawyer and file probate. This takes a few months. The court will give the executor of the estate the authority to distribute the land property.

The executor will be the owner of the land so that it has a clear title to be sold or transferred. A summary probate can be completed faster without the need of an attorney if the estate is only valued at a smaller amount, in certain states. Just be sure to check with your state what you are allowed to do.

Getting The Land Ready For Sale

To prepare the property for sale, the first thing to do is to find out about the property so that you can find all its selling points and so that you can answer any questions that the potential buyer may have.

You need to know the Tax ID. You can find this on a recent tax bill and it will also have a reference number on it so you can contact the local county office. You can even find the information online in most cases.

Some other important things to know is the exact location of the property, whether it has road access and if there are any utilities available. You can find this information by getting a hold of the county office that the property is in.

Talk to the county assessor to get the land value and the zoning code. You can find the location by visiting the online GIS map. You can check out Google maps or Google Earth to see an aerial view of the property and to see if there is road access.

Finding The Perfect Buyer

You may want to find a professional land buyer that can help you to sell the property or that you can sell it to directly. They will know what is needed to get the land sold.

Depending on how involved you want to be in the selling process, you will need to market your land. You can sell your land online or you may want to get someone to sell it for you.

If you want to sell your land fast, just fill out the form here on our website, We pay all closing costs and can help you to sell your land fast.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Selling Your Land In Any Season

Although spring is probable the best time to sell your land, it doesn't mean that it is the only season you can be successful. However, when you time your sale will have an impact on how many offers you will receive.

Sell Land Pennsylvania

We will go over the advantages and disadvantages the different seasons hold when listing or selling raw land.


Spring is the most popular season for selling property. The weather is great and many people make changes to their lives during this season.

Buyers are looking in the spring because good weather allows them to do work on the land and build if they have plans to build.

If you are selling, the property is going to look great in the spring and this is the best time to get pictures of your property as well.

The only problem with selling in the spring is that many others are selling land too. This means that the competition is going to be more fierce.

Marketing is key since many other people are buying and selling land. Make sure that your photos pop and your description is intriguing.

If you don't have the time or the know-how to make a good listing, be sure that you hire someone who can. Many buyers will be checking out the hundreds of listings and you want your listing to stand out.


Summer is a good time for selling and listing because buyers can still begin working on the land that they purchase. The weather is still good and the days are long. As summer draws to a close, buyer activity will slow down.

You need to make sure that you know what your property can be used for and then target buyers who will be interested. Understanding how a potential buyer plans to use the property will allow you to showcase it in a way that highlights those features.


Depending on the location, you can still get good pictures of land that will attract buyers. Although hunters won't normally be looking for a parcel of land to buy, other buyers may be looking as this is the best time to find a great deal.

Mother Nature does a great job in staging your land. Since many people travel to seasonal events during the fall, be sure that you include any local activities and events in your marketing plan.


Winter used to be the worst time to sell property but now that people use the internet, there is really no reason for the weather to prevent them from looking for and purchasing land. Although they may not actually be able to tour the land, buyers search all year long.

Taking advantage of the reduced inventory of land for sale and marketing the land properly can help your property to stand out, even in the middle of winter.

If your land is located near a popular ski resort, winter might actually be the best time to show off your land. If your land is in an area that stays hot all year round, the lower temperature of winter might encourage more visits to see your land.

If you do sell your land in the winter, be sure that you have pictures of it in all seasons. Buyers could be bargain hunting for properties to get a better price, so be prepared to be flexible on your pricing.

What If Your Land Isn't Selling?

If there is no interest in your property in any season, you need to take a good look at why. Usually land isn't selling for two reasons. Either you are asking too much or your marketing strategy isn't targeting the right audience

You have to create listings that will highlight the best features of your land and make sure that you are targeting people who want this type of land. With the right planning, the right photographs and the right marketing plan, you can sell your land no matter what season it is.

If you have land for sale, be sure to fill out the form on our website. We will research the property and send you an offer. Take the hassle and work out of selling your property and get cash today!

Monday, October 28, 2019

Selling Land By Owner Can Be Difficult

Your piece of land might be one of the most valuable assets you own. If you are considering selling, you want to get a good price for it without stressing over the marketing and other transactional details.

sell land by owner

You may have thought about selling your land yourself thinking that you could save some money on the commission but it's not that easy. We go over four reasons why you might want to consider having an experienced land buyer help you to sell your land fast.

Expertise in Negotiations

It is a big financial decision when it comes to buying and selling your land and it can be personal as well. It's very important to keep your feelings out of any type of negotiations and only concern yourself with the monetary value of the land. Many buyers will try to downplay the assets of the land and challenge you during the negotiations.

A land buying expert can help to give you some perspective on the value and help with the negotiations, which can become emotional and tense.

Guidance And Experience To Sell Land Fast

There are many decisions involve when it's time to sell your land such as, listing it, the price, and making small improvements to create curb appeal. An experienced land buyer can help with more than just helping you decide the price to sell it for.

A professional will also have access to a network of other professionals to help with everything from tax planning to building. They can tell what uses the land could have for potential buyers. They could also save you money or even make you more money during the sale.

Help With Legal, Finance and Tax Issues

Each type of real estate transaction has its own unique financial requirements and issues.

Most banks will not give loans out for the purpose of purchasing land. The contracts are structured differently when it comes to buying and selling land. Very often, it can be difficult for a potential buyer to raise the cash needed to purchase land.

Because of these issues, a seller may feel like he or she needs to lower the price.

Water rights, road access, easements, timber rights and mineral rights will need to be included in the contract. We have the necessary attorneys, accountants, and land surveyors available when needed.

We Have Established Relationships With Buyers

Before you even list your land, we could have a potential buyer ready and willing to pay cash for your land. Not only have we built relationships with other professionals, we have also built relationships with investors and buyers who are already searching for a particular type of land before it even hits the market.

This allows you to sell without any of the common hassles, headaches and stress and get your profits more quickly.

This is why we created our company to begin with. We can bring together sellers and buyers of ranch land, farm land, recreation land and building lots which is beneficial to all parties.

We handle everything for you from the get-go. We market the land with the best photos, descriptions and prices.

You could save money on a commission when selling your land yourself but it could cost you more in the long run.

If you have a piece of land for sale, we can make sure that you sell land fast and get your money right away. Call us at (866) 959-3452 or for fastest results, click here to fill out the form on our website.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How To Sell Your Land Fast

Do you want to know how to sell your land fast? We hear this question so much and we can understand why so many people struggle to get their land sold in a timely matter.

how to sell your land fast

Whatever reason you having for needing to sell your land fast, you need to understand that selling land isn't the same as selling a home.

There are many reasons people choose to sell their property. You may be looking to sell your land if you have inherited it and really don't have a use for it. Maybe you have a some land but you have an investment opportunity and you are looking for liquidate some of your assets.

Many find the annual property taxes have become a burden. Some people may be delinquent in the taxes for one reason or another. You may have inherited the land and simply have no use for it.

Some people buy a piece of land for retirement or recreation and can't afford to make the improvements they wanted to do. Many people bought land before the real estate bubble burst in 2008 and have seen the value of their land significantly drop.

If you want to cash out your land for whatever reason, but find it overwhelming to think about marketing, preparing and selling your land, we understand.

Selling land can take more time and be harder to sell than a home. It could sit on the market for a long time if you can't get it in front of the buyers that will want it.

When someone purchases a piece of property, they usually have a plan in mind for how they are going to use the property. Some may want to build a home on it, some might want to use it for recreational purposes, such as a hunting cabin or another person might want it in their investment portfolio.

Home buyers are searching for specific requirements and usually for a home that's ready to move in with all the features they want. Banks usually do not give out loans for land so financing is an issue because many people do not have the cash to outright purchase a piece of land.

Unless you are skilled in marketing, it can be a long time before someone just happens to stumble upon the fact that you are trying to sell your land.

When selling your land by yourself, you will need to know the information that potential buyers will ask you.

You will need to know the zoning rules and regulations. You will need to get an attorney to make sure all the documentation is correct. You will want to do a title search to make sure that you own the land free and clear and that there are no liens on the title.

You will need to have pictures of the property, get the GPS coordinates and get driving directions for people to go to the property to view it. You will need to let potential buyers know about the lay of the land, whether it has trees.

You will also want to tell buyers if there is any type of fishing or hunting areas close or find out what the buyer is interested in to convey all the positive aspects of the land.

If you want to focus more on the things that are important to you, our land buying company can help you to sell your land fast.

Land Solutions Network has a network of vacant land investors that will want to purchase your property We could even buy it ourselves.

If you want to sell land fast for cash today, visit LandSolutions.Network and fill out the handy form. You won't have to know how to sell your land fast because we will buy it and save you the headache and hassles!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Land Zoning Types To Know To Sell Land Fast

Although owning land can be exciting, you need to understand the zoning regulations and rules so you know what you can do with that piece of land. Just because you own a piece of land does not mean you can build whatever you want on it. When buying or selling land, you need to know the zoning rules first.

buying vacant land in Pennsylvania

There are a variety of zoning types to be aware of and the local government and community have established which construction projects are allowed in that particular area.

The rules are different based on the area so it's important to have a planning strategy in place for your purchase. You need to be able to know what the zoning in for the lot you buy and what is allowed and restricted in that particular zoning classification.

There are some common zoning types to be aware of when purchasing land. Each county that you research has their own zoning classifications and sub-classifications.


As the name implies, this type of zoning is for personal residences. Counties that have large areas of rural land commonly have rural residential zoning.

The county may set minimum parcel sizes so that it creates some distance between the homes to maintain the rural atmosphere.

This zoning will also have rules on what kind of animals you can raise as well as how large of a garden or farm you can have. They often allow for small farms as hobbies.

If you are planning on running a business from the property, you need to check with the residential zoning laws.

Many communities have a specific standard for how large the buildings can be. They may also dictate what the physical appearance will need to be. This is to maintain a uniform appearance for the community.


Commercial zoning has rules for the business type in the area. If you wanted to put up a hotel or shopping center, you would have to check with the zoning authorities in the area to see if this is allowed.

If you wanted to build a bar or nightclub, there will be certain rules and areas that you can build in. They often require a certain distance if there is a school, church or other public building in the area.

There are also zoning regulations about how tall a commercial building can be. There could be certain businesses that simply are not allowed in that area.


This means that the area is zoned for a factory or plant that employs a large amount of people. This is to ensure that an industry that produces noise or pollution is not near residential or commercial properties.


Agricultural zoning allows large farms and ranches to operate. The laws will protect the area so that farming can be done. It prevents other types of developments such as commercial building and factories to be built which could put the farm or ranch at risk.

Check With Us First

If you are looking to buy land or have a piece of land you want to sell, check with us first.

If you are selling a piece of property, it's best to check with the local zoning authority to determine what your land can be used for.

If you are buying from us, we will have that information ready for you.

Contact us today if you have a land for sell and we can make the selling process simple. Just click here to head over to our website, fill out the form and we will take it from there.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Selling Your Land Versus Selling Your Home

Because of the ever-changing real estate market, it can be challenging when you are tying to sell a house.

Pennsylvania land

If you don't know the ropes to selling land that can be just as challenging. You will need to understand the difference between selling land and selling a home.

What Is Different About The Land Market?

The markets and the way that they work when buying and selling land are very different than the market when selling homes. If you understand the differences, you will be much bettered prepared when selling vacant residential land.

The Difference Between Land Buyers and Home Buyers

The needs of someone buying a home is completely different than someone who wants to buy a parcel of land.

Whether a developer or an individual, a land buyer is looking specifically for the ideal location that will allow them to customize it as they need.

When selling a house, you can hold an open house for prospective buyers to come look at it and fall in love with it. It can be difficult for prospective buyers to visualize what they want the land to look like.

There are many more people looking for homes rather than land. It may take a longer to sell a plot of vacant land if you don't understand how to market it properly. That's how we can help.

How To Sell Your Land

Although we have shown you how selling land is different than selling a house, there are some concepts that are the same. However, you need to tailor the strategy you use for selling land instead.

Know Your Buyer

When you are selling a home, a home buyer will have a budget and price range that they are looking for. It may not be so simple to target the buyer of a parcel of land.

Buyer Profiles

The profile of a land buyer depends on the property type, whether or not that land is developed, the location and the local market conditions.

Maybe a buyer is looking to buy a lot to build a home on. Or the buyer might be a developer or builder for a new project. Some buyers may be looking for a piece of land that they can use for a hunting cabin or some other type of recreational activity.

Provide The Right Information

Be sure that you can give a potential buyer the information they need to know concerning your property. They may want to know about local schools, shopping and other close-by amenities.

If you can, have zoning information, water and sewer service information and anything else that may be helpful for the buyer. The more you know about the property, the easier it will be for a buyer to make a decision.

Make A Good First Impression

Just like when you are selling a home, you want to make a good impression. Be sure that you cut the grass and remove any type of trash that is on the property.

You might even want to throw a few wildflower seeds on the land to beautify the land more. Instead of staging your home, you want to try to stage your land as best you can.

You could even get a survey done and be sure that your property boundaries are correct. If your land is ripe for building and you have proof in hand, this can encourage a sale.

These are just a few tips and advice that you can put into play if you want to sell land fast and with no hidden surprises. If you have a piece of land for sale for any reason, click here to fill out the form so we can buy your land fast.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Tips For Selling Land Fast In Pennsylvania

For a while, land prices were on a steady decline but over the last few years, the market for selling land has increased. If you were holding on to your property for this reason, it may be time to reconsider selling your land.

sell a lot of land

If you are concerned about whether or not you should sell your land, we have put together some tips that can help you decide if it's time to put your vacant land up for sale.

Are You Emotionally Attached?

If your land holds special memories for you, your emotions can hold you back from selling. You should talk to your family to figure out if any of them want the land when you are gone.

If they don't really want the property, you need to figure out if you want to get rid of the land while you are still here. If there is no good reason to keep it, you have to decide what will work best for you.

Get Your Land Appraised

It happens all the time. A landowner relies on their opinion of what the land is worth instead of finding out the real value of the land.

If you want to get the emotion out of the land's worth, you need to rely on real data. Hire a real estate broker or an appraiser so that you have facts that will help you get the right price for your land.

Can You Sell Your Land Yourself?

There are pros and cons when handling the sale by yourself. If you do have the time and passion to invest in learning the process, then there's no problem in selling land yourself.

You will need to determine the market value of your property, handle all of the legal paperwork, find buyers and arrange for the closing. If that seems like too much, Land Solutions Network can handle all of the paperwork, the closing and all other details of the sale.

Tax Consequences

Be sure to speak to an account or financial adviser because if you or your family have owned the property for many years and there were no adjustments made, the capital gains tax could hurt. Research what your taxes would be when selling so that you are not hit with any last minute surprises.

Multiple Owners All Need To Be Committed

If there is more than one owner, make sure that everyone is all in when it comes to selling the land. You don't want another owner backing out of the deal at the last minute.

One person should be given a limited power of attorney so he or she can act for all of the owners. This keeps everything out in the open so that once again, there will be no surprises right before closing.

Selling Land Fast in Pennsylvania Doesn't Have To Be Difficult

If you are interested in selling land fast in Pennsylvania, let us make it easy for you. Simply fill out the form right here and we can handle all of the details. We pay all closing costs, title fees and taxes if you owe any. If your property has become a nuisance, there's no better time than right now to sell your land.

Monday, September 23, 2019

What Is The Best Way To Sell Land Fast?

You may not understand the best way to sell land fast so that you can get rid of the land, especially if the land is sitting vacant and you have to pay taxes on it, year after year.

Pricing It Right Is Key To Selling Land Fast

It's absolutely critical that the property is priced competitively. Check other properties that are listed in your area to make sure that you aren't overpricing the land. Of course, the lower your asking price, the better chance that you can sell the land fast.

You need to find a motivated buyer when trying to sell land fast. Since it is difficult for buyers to get financing from a bank, most will be offering cash for land and want to get the very best deal they can.

It's important that you make them an offer that they won't pass on if you want to close fast. If you don't want to sell your land cheap, then there are a few things you can do to get your land to sell quickly.

Give Them The Information Needed

Make sure you are doing sufficient research and including it when you list the land. A buyer that is informed will be able to come to a quicker decision which helps to sell land fast. You don't want the owner to have to figure out all the relevant information on their own. This will only slow down the buying process.

Call the county ahead of time so that you can gather all of the information necessary. The interested buyer will have questions asking if they can build on the property or other important information such as road access or whether there is electricity there.

You can get the information you need from the county office about property use and zoning regulations. You want to enable the potential buyer to envision what is possible after they have the land.

Use Multiple Listing Sites

You want as many people as possible to see your listed property. There are many resources available on the internet that make it easy to sell land fast online. There are many websites that are perfect to sell land quick.

Answer The Phone And Record The Contact Information

You need to keep good records of the contact information you receive. You will need to communicate the information the potential land buyers will need to make the right decision. By being able to answer the questions that come up in conversation, you will appear more credible and they will be confident when buying from you.

Sell To A Land Buyer

If you want to sell your land fast, one of the quickest ways is to sell directly to a land buying company. Professional land buyers will put all the paperwork together and handle most of the details, which will make your life easier. They will close as quickly as possible, meaning you will have the money much quicker.

If you are looking to sell your land fast without a bunch of hassle, be sure to fill out the form on our website for fast action. We can get you cash for land without all the headache of doing everything yourself. Click here now to fill out form today!

Monday, September 9, 2019

A Guide on Land Buying Procedures

A lot of individuals who plan to buy a land have one common reason and that is to have a place for their dream house in the long run. But aside from the said intention, they are also buying simply because they want to make a worthwhile investment after working for so many years. Maybe they can construct buildings for commercial use. In most cases, land buying is a better investment than acquiring a property since you are free from going through the tedious buying process like home inspection, scrutinizing the construction materials used and even having the property renovated. Regardless of what your reasons for buying, it will still need your patience and determination all throughout the entire process. And you have to identify the factors that you must consider before making your final decision.

The very first thing you look into when buying a land is the location. If you will use this for residential purpose, it should be located in a well developed community that has high class facilities and peaceful environment. It is best to choose an area where there will be no traffic and no crime rate at all. Of course, it will be an advantage on your part if it is accessible to almost all types of business centers since you no longer have to go out of your way just to go on shopping or have your annual physical check up.

However, if you are looking for a land that will be used for your vacant house, then it is ideal to choose a lot in countryside. Or maybe right next to the beach. This is perfect for your rest house. It is away from the metropolis and you will have the chance to breathe fresh air. You will no hear the horns and engines. Select a place that can give you the ultimate relaxation that you need.

Your safety will always be on top of you priority when you will use your vacant land for commercial or residential purpose. It is best if the lot is away from fault lines. Areas that are prone to floods and fire hazards are not really advisable. Do not sacrifice the safety of the place just because of beautiful scenery that you can see around the lot. This plays a very important role especially when you begin to construct the infrastructure on the lot.

Read more here: A Guide on Land Buying Procedures.